Patent Pending

A Healthy Coffee, A Very Healthy Coffee!


Bee Alive Coffee® is a proprietary patent pending blend consisting of Gourmet, Hand Roasted Arabica Coffee beans, which are Organic, and Fair Trade. We then add a proprietary blend of Schisandra chinensis; Emblica officinalis (Amla fruit); Aronia melanocarpa (black chokeberry); Myrica rubra (bayberry, or yumberry); and Bacopa monniera extract.

Schisandra chinensis is a potent adaptogen and one of the 50 Fundamental Herbs of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). An adaptogen is a particular herb that increases the body’s non-specific resistance and effectively helps the body to adapt to stress and the challenges of daily living. Adaptogens normalize the functions of bodily systems, maintaining homeostasis during times of stress. An adaptogen increases physical and mental capacity, reduces fatigue, increases resistance to disease, exhances recovery, and extends lifespan. Adaptogens have been shown experimentally to accomplish these beneficial effects by controlling the hyypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and key mediators of the stress response.

In clinical studies of healthy subjects Schisandra has been shown to increase energy levels; exercise endurance and motor dexterity; mental performance; work capacity; visual function; while improving blood pressure and blood glucose levels (if high, lowers it; if low, raises it). Schisandra also has high antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory effects, and a stress-protective effect against a broad spectrum of environmental stressors such as heat, sunburn, cooling/frostbite, immobilization, and physical activity with a work load. These beneficial effects occur within 30 minutes of ingestion and last for up to 4 hours. The lignans in Schisandra also have a liver protective effect. In Chinese medicine Schisandra is also used to treat skin disorders such as eczema; to strengthen the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems; and as a sexual tonic for both men and women.

Emblica officinalis (Amla) is considered an adaptogen in Ayurvedic medicine. More importantly Amla is very high in antioxidant activity- it is ORAC dense. ORAC, or
Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity , is a scientific measure of antioxidant activity. The constituents responsible for the high ORAC and the beneficial effects of Amla have been identified as tannins, beta-glucogallin and mucic acid gallate. The antioxidant activity of Amla is greater than that of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C).

Studies have shown Amla to be gastroprotective, antibacterial, liver protective, anti-cancer (prevents carcinogen-induced cancers in experimental animals); anti-diabetic (improves glucose metabolism and decreases diabetes-related complications), and anti-aging. The high antioxidant content (high ORAC) prevents cell damage caused by free radical lipid peroxidation of cell membrane- the very essence of aging. In the skin this means Amla prevents loss of elasticity causing wrinkles, and increases the production of skin procollagen, while also providing some protection from UVA and UVB rays. For men Schisandra has been shown to significantly inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha reductase which is responsible for hair loss caused by dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Aronia melanocarpa (black chokeberry) has powerful antioxidant properties. It has high concentrations of the very active anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins giving Aronia one of the highest ORAC values known- higher than blueberries, cranberries, pomegranate. As added health benefits, Aronia is also very high in Vitamin C; and in Quinic Acid (10 times the amount in cranberries)- the compound that helps prevent urinary tract infections.

Studies have also shown that Aronia may provide protection against colon cancer. Because of its very high content of the highly active antioxidant anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins it should be considered an anti-aging agent.

Myrica rubra (bayberry or yumberry) is a “superfruit” with one of the highest antioxidant contents (ORAC) known. It contains multiple polphenols including ellagic acid, tannins and OPC’s (oligomeric proanthocyanidins). In particular the antioxidant capacity of OPC’s is 20 times that of Vitamin C. OPC’s are one of the few types of antioxidants that freely cross the blood-brain barrier thus being capable of protecting the brain and neurological system from free radical damage.

Further OPC’s have been shown to be cardiovascular protective, decreasing blood pressure through effects on NO (nitric oxide) activity; preventing atherosclerosis; reducing LDL cholesterol and its damaging peroxidation; and generally reducing body inflammation. OPC’s are also connective tissue protective thus decreasing the symptoms and progression of arthritis and other musculoskeletal inflammatory conditiond (tendonitis, bursitis). It has been shown to have beneficial effects on eyesight, being retinal protective and helping prevent cataracts. Skin also benefits from OPC’s with reduction in damage from free radicals resulting in improved collagen and elastin, better skin tone and fewer wrinkles. Finally the OPC’s isolated from yumberry have been shown to have anti-viral activity and to induce apoptosis (cell death) of human breast cancer cells
in vitro.

Yumberry extract also contains significant amounts of Vitamin C, carotene, thiamine and riboflavin.

The beneficial effects of this extract begins 20-30 minutes after ingestion.

Bacopa monniera has long been used as a nerve tonic in Ayurvedic medicine and held in such regard it is called Brahmi after the Hindu god of creation. The extract contains a number of biologically active compounds including alkaloids, saponins and sterols. The most important and most active compounds are triterpenoid saponins called “bacosides”. These compounds have been studied for their multiple beneficial effects on the nervous system and mental functioning. Specifically Bacopa extract improved cognitive function with improved learning ability; enhanced immediate memory and memory span; concentration ability; and overall performance. Bacopa extract also has a beneficial on anxiety level, improving the ability to adjust to the stress of daily life including social interactions and work-related activities. Bacopa increased mean work output and decreased the number of mistakes made. Patients also experienced a reduction in symptoms of fatigue, lack of concentration, insomnia and nervousness. The symptomatic improvement was accompanied by a reduction in the level of adrenal stress hormones.

The supplemental blend was chosen for its broad spectrum of high concentration, highly active antioxidants including tannins, beta-glucogallin, mucic acid gallate, anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, OPC’s, saponins and sterols, and their multiple anti-aging, protective and restorative effects. The blend also has significant adaptogenic activity benefiting all physiologic processes, and restoring homeostasis (body balance). Added to the known beneficial effects of coffee per se, this produces a beverage of unique, significant, positive health impact when taken daily.

Bee Propolis  
Antimicrobial- Historically, propolis has been used to fight bacterial invaders that might cause infection or disease. Propolis can be used to treat wounds, but it will also fight against internal bacteria, fungus, viruses and parasites. Antioxidants and Immune Health- Propolis contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids and flavonoids. Flavonoids act as antioxidants, which help in treating and preventing many diseases. It has also been shown to promote immunity. Liver Health- Propolis has been studied to be used to protect the liver from outside elements such as alcohol and other environmental toxins. The studies have shown good results in this use. Dental Health- Propolis has been used in dental health to help combat dental issues such as mouth ulcers, periodontal disease and gingivitis.
Side Effects- If you are allergic to bees and bee products, you should not use propolis. Allergic reactions include headache, wheezing, hives, scratchy throat and anaphylactic shock. It is not recommended for pregnant women or those who have asthma.

One cup brewed from 6 grams of coffee provides 300 mg of the blend:

Schisandra chinenis 5:1 extract (organic)
Emblica officinalis (Amla)
Aronia melanocarpa 5:1 extract
Myrica rubra (bayberry/yumberry)

Bacopa monniera


Nutraceutical Coffee